SaniStation® features in National Health Executive Magazine

September 14, 2020

SaniStation® features in National Health Executive Magazine

SaniStation® Infection Control products feature in National Health Executive Magazine. SaniStation is pleased to be featured in this month’s edition of National Health Executive Magazine where Alvin Clarke, our Sales Director, talks about the importance of sanitisation units being highly visible and optimised for infection control.

The Importance of Visible and Effective Infection Control Units for Visitors and Employees

The vast majority of visitors to your site will be very aware of the need to sanitise. They do it as they enter a supermarket, so they would certainly expect to sanitise when entering a hospital. Visitors want the peace of mind that they are protecting themselves and others, and your employees also need to feel confident that they are protected.

Implementing effective infection control in your hospital or clinic should be easy! All you need to do is put the right equipment in the right location. But what happens when you get it wrong?

Recently I visited an NHS Trust in the UK to demonstrate our latest Mobile Infection Control unit. Entering the building, I searched for their sanitisation station, which turned out to be an ordinary table, off to the side, with a box of masks and a bottle of hand gel. When I say searched, I mean that you really had to look for it! No signage or plan to attract a visitors attention to the table or the items on it, and with the top-up box of masks just sitting open-topped on the floor next to the table. The interesting fact is that most visitors, either entering or leaving the hospital weren’t even sanitising.

After sanitising, I waited near the main entrance, with my demo SaniStation unit standing in the lobby. And that’s when an interesting thing happened. Visitors entering the hospital began coming straight to my demo unit to use the mask dispenser and hand gel auto-dispenser, even though the first had no masks in and the second had no gel in. Why? Because it was a highly visible unit, with hygienic and accessible PPE dispensers, plus eye-catching graphics and user instructions located right at the building entrance. It didn’t matter that the unit had a different Trust’s logo, it looked effective, inspired confidence and encouraged use. I had to point out to the hospital visitors that this was a demo unit, not yet in use and direct them over to the official table in the distance, away from the doors.

Practical infection control should start at every entrance to your trust. But an effective strategy begins by understanding what equipment your trust needs to enable and encourage a strict hygiene regime.

Consultation with all stakeholders, especially healthcare employees, will help identify areas where more specialist hygiene equipment is required. A great example of this is the SaniStation double-sided Don & Doff infection control unit.

Our team worked closely with a number of NHS trusts to identify their specific requirements for ward and care areas. The consultation process highlighted the need for a very visible mobile unit, which allowed medical and care staff to safely remove contaminated PPE, and then don a clean set prior to continuing patient care.

Whether it’s SaniStations for site visitors, or bespoke specialist infection control units for staff, your hygiene and PPE equipment must be highly visible and strategically located; making it easy and reassuring for employees, visitors and patients.

To discuss your infection control strategy, or to arrange trials of the SaniStation product range please contact us.

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